Refleksjoner over vann / Reflections over water

Kunstgarasjen 1.april - 8.mai 2023

foto: Andreas Dyrdal

Havets munn / Mouth of the Sea
180 cm x 230 cm
olje på lerret

Triptych of water

From the left:

120 cm x 80 cm
oil on linen

120 cm x 80 cm
oil on linen 

120 cm x 64 cm
oil on linen

Nattens øyne / Eyes of the Night
diptych, 150 cm x 180 cm
oil on linen

Tåkespill / Play of Fog
130 cm x 110 cm

oil on linen

Blå sol / Blue Sun
180 cm x 150 cm
oil on linen

Glimt / Glimmer
series varying between 8cm x 10 cm - 35 cm x 35 cm
oil on linen

The North Sea that flows into, and fills the fjords of Bergen is dark. During winter, the body of water can be seen as a sticky syrup with an independent will and a constant need to move. Later, in the night, all seeing eyes awakens in the reflections of electric lights. On a following day the surface is smooth, bathing in the light of clear blue hues, then on a day with little wind and overcast the surface may appear as a portal into a fog cladded valley. 

These are a few of many descriptions that all aim to describe the continuous changes of the water outside my studio window on Nordnes, Bergen. In the exhibition, Reflections over water, I investigate how water, through my observations, enters the mind and in an encounter with the imagination – is made anew.

Another important element in my practice these past years has been evening courses in Japanese. Through my studies I have amongst, been introduced to the Chinese alphabet kanji, one of the oldest living written languages today, with roots in China. Many kanji have a shared origin in observations from the physical world, they are named Shōkei-moji. This palpable connection, between word, symbol and observations from a physical world has followed me into the development of this exhibition - in reflections over water.

Haruka Fukao

Illustration of Shōkei-moji (象形文字)
ink on paper

When down here...

I grew up consuming volumes of manga and comics that I came across – moving on to drawing my own worlds and characters. The comic media is a new addition to a process, where ink drawings and photos, from certain locations are further developed in watercolour and gouache and then in oil painting. The comic media has in this context given me new opportunities to visualize the intrinsicalities of water. When making a comic I have the opportunity to explore new compositions, formats and the dynamics between them. The comic reveals a rhythm between the squares and the pages, a rhythm that flows into paintings of different techniques and scales.

Click here to discover the comic