Twist of fate

Nye Bokboden 3-26 March 2023


The sky is pink, impenetrable, still - pink. The water is cool, resting serene and vivid blue. Brown stems carry white lumps - they lower and rise - berries like eyeballs of snow.

The paintings in this exhibition are stories and the language they speak is made up of strokes, repetitions, patterns and hues. In the paintings, the moon becomes a head, berries become eyes, and fog a body. Colours are saturated, the sky turned matt, strokes shaping mountains erase details and engage movement. Feelings, worries and hopes blend with imagined scenarios and atmospheres - connected as if by a twist of fate.

Edible Eyes
180 cm x 150 cm
oil on linen canvas

120 cm x 80 cm
oil on linen canvas


57 cm x 75 cm
oil on linen canvas

foto: Guttorm Glomsås

Refleksjoner over vann / Reflections over water

Kunstgarasjen 1.april - 8.mai 2023

foto: Andreas Dyrdal

Havets munn / Mouth of the Sea
180 cm x 230 cm
olje på lerret

Triptych of water

From the left:

120 cm x 80 cm
oil on linen

120 cm x 80 cm
oil on linen 

120 cm x 64 cm
oil on linen

Nattens øyne / Eyes of the Night
diptych, 150 cm x 180 cm
oil on linen

Tåkespill / Play of Fog
130 cm x 110 cm

oil on linen

Blå sol / Blue Sun
180 cm x 150 cm
oil on linen

Glimt / Glimmer
series varying between 8cm x 10 cm - 35 cm x 35 cm
oil on linen

The North Sea that flows into, and fills the fjords of Bergen is dark. During winter, the body of water can be seen as a sticky syrup with an independent will and a constant need to move. Later, in the night, all seeing eyes awakens in the reflections of electric lights. On a following day the surface is smooth, bathing in the light of clear blue hues, then on a day with little wind and overcast the surface may appear as a portal into a fog cladded valley. 

These are a few of many descriptions that all aim to describe the continuous changes of the water outside my studio window on Nordnes, Bergen. In the exhibition, Reflections over water, I investigate how water, through my observations, enters the mind and in an encounter with the imagination – is made anew.

Another important element in my practice these past years has been evening courses in Japanese. Through my studies I have amongst, been introduced to the Chinese alphabet kanji, one of the oldest living written languages today, with roots in China. Many kanji have a shared origin in observations from the physical world, they are named Shōkei-moji. This palpable connection, between word, symbol and observations from a physical world has followed me into the development of this exhibition - in reflections over water.

Haruka Fukao

Illustration of Shōkei-moji (象形文字)
ink on paper

When down here...

I grew up consuming volumes of manga and comics that I came across – moving on to drawing my own worlds and characters. The comic media is a new addition to a process, where ink drawings and photos, from certain locations are further developed in watercolour and gouache and then in oil painting. The comic media has in this context given me new opportunities to visualize the intrinsicalities of water. When making a comic I have the opportunity to explore new compositions, formats and the dynamics between them. The comic reveals a rhythm between the squares and the pages, a rhythm that flows into paintings of different techniques and scales.

Click here to discover the comic


MA-exhibtion - a little larger than the entire universe
curated by Adriana Alves

Unforeseen Changes, painting/drawing installation,
drawing: stretched between round bars in wood: 300x140(220, w. roundbar), ink on paper, on the backside, letterpressed words painting: diptych, 2x150x200cm, oil on canvas
Photo: Dale Rothenberg


Photo: Bjarte Bjørkum

Drawings of Iškoras Permafrost

Palsa, Pond, Watergrass, Birch Forest and Iškoras, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

Human Reflection, Palsa, Pond, Watergrass, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

Birch Forest, Palsa, Pond, Watergrass, Research Site, Highlands, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

Birch Forest and Shrubs, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

OTC, Palsa, Watergrass, Human, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

Palsa, Pond, Watergrass, Boardwalk l, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

Palsa, Pond, Watergrass, Boardwalk ll, 2020, A4, Ink on Paper

The Art & Science Research Group, was an initiative to encourage
collaboration between the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and
the Academy of Art and Design in Bergen. Led by artist Aleksandra Mir, it was a weekly seminar, from September till the end of our semester in December, happening every Monday roughly between 11-13.30, on Zoom. It was an intense and productive course where each participating student was paired with a researcher at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.

This series of drawings were made in relation to a permafrost field trip to Finnmark September 4th -9th, 2020 with researchers Inge Althuizen and Hanna Lee. Our expedition timed the arrival of the autumn and the birch forests, stretching beyond the horizon with the view from the highland, coloured the landscape in tones of yellow and orange, leaving the furthest mountains to slumber in shades of deep violet. The research site is located on the mountain Iškoras, some 300 meters above sea-level, set just below the three line. Descending towards the site, passing through a golden forest, we arrive at the permafrost site. There are no trees here, making it an open patch in the forest. Parts of the site is covered in water, resembling eyes reflecting the clouds, the sky and the changes taking place. Most of the area is covered in watergrass, whilst the remaining mounds of permafrost, called palsa (peat mounds of decayed vegetation, hence the release of methane when thawing), is shrinking.

With these drawings, I aim to visualise the science, and the landscape relating to the thawing of permafrost. I believe documentation, in the form of drawings and painting, even abstracted, can serve as an alternative to photography, as we perceive the two art forms differently and that they – in turn –have different impacts on our imagination. Drawings and paintings allow us to enter a person´s immediate response to their surroundings as they translate it through an idiosyncratic, visual language.

Some of the drawings were made on the site, whilst others were made from footage I brought back as reference. The most important factor for me when making drawings of a certain place, in order to give its reproductions a claim to authenticity, is to have experienced the place. The experience of a spatial space gives rise to its truer if not exact, replication. There is a sense of honesty to this.

In one drawing, there are reflections of the scientists taking measurements on the palsa, the drawing has an intimacy about it, which is unachievable without memories or footage. The reflections are cast onto the surface of a pond that is expanding. In the wake of the permafrost thawing, the palsa will collapse. Researcher Inge Althuizen suggests that within this century, or the next, the site here will have transformed into a pond vegetated by watergrass, which eventually – in another thousand years or so – will have become a birch forest. The birch forest is already present, framing the outskirts of the site in a vast circle. Imagining its approach is a haunting vision of the abrupt transition the climate emergency is enforcing upon this landscape.

Some of the drawings show scientific equipment such as the OTC (open top chamber), which is a simple and cost-effective construction. In this research project, it has been used to measure the effect of 2 degrees warming on an artificial climate (inside the OTC).

Capturing the rhythm of this vast undulating landscape – and the presence of the patch of permafrost within it – is a work in progress. Where the permafrost thawing is deep the palsa tears, and submerges into the pond. It feels more accurate to say the ground is tearing rather than cracking or breaking, palsa is composed of decaying vegetation and comes apart like fresh bread or cake.

There is a fractured nature to the drawings, they are thorn and unpredictable yet calm and composed. The permafrost site holds much uncertainty, a melancholy and a perseverance despite its bleak prognosis. If anything, painting and drawing give way for a more imaginative and empathetic understanding of urgent changes in nature and the science accompanying our understanding of it. They represent, in the end, universal feelings and sensations related to life.

Unn, September, 2020